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Be the part of the history of future! Faculty for International Economics, Finance and Business; Faculty of Law; Faculty for Information Systems and Technologies; Humanities’ Studies Faculty for Intenational Economics, Finance and Business (FIEFB) and Faculty of Law (FLS) are established as the first step toward foundation of the private university UDG in Podgorica. They were established in 2007. In 2008 Faculty for Information Systems and Technologies and Humanities' Studies were establish. Ministry of education and science of Government of Montenegro has licensed all these programs for undergradute batchelor program . Besides that Ministry of education and science of Government of Montenegro has licensed three (post)graduate programs: two semester postgraduate specialization program – Entrepreneurial Economy (students obtain academic title of Specialist) and four semester postgraduate master program – Entrepeneurial Economics (students obtain academic title of Master) and Master studies International Relations. All programs are harmonized with Bologna declaration. UDG operates in new 16.000m2 building, constructed in accordance with all international standards for university and education purposed buildings, with modern equipment which provide extraordinary conditions for both teachers and students. Besides main building, university complex include large university yard adapted to student needs, large parking, sport fields… Within the building UDG has large library, students club, international center, five amphiteaters with around 300 seats each, conference room with more then 500 seats, many smaller classrooms with 20-100 seats, all modernly equipped with computers, multimedia contents, wireless internet access, … In total the building has around 3000 seats in classroom spaces. UDG has teaching stuff of more then one hundred professors from the region and world-wide. Teachers who are full time employed at UDG are mostly young experts from Montenegro lead by few well established international professors - from Montenegro and abroad, who founded UDG. They are all famous professors; with remarkable academic, but also business experience; very appreciated among their peers; people who actively develop and implement idea of FIEFB – the idea of “Entrepreneurial Economy”. Besides, UDG teaching stuff include more then one hundred professors, experts from the practice, highly esteemed professionals from famous universities all around Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, Chile,… UDG has developed broad network of teaching professionals who deliver courses to its students, and are available and willing to come to teach to Montenegro in other special occasions. Faculty for International Economics, Finance and Business has developed cooperation with several universities worldwide: George Mason University, Virginia, USA; Univesity of Messina, Messina, Italy; University of Toronto, Canada; University of Torino, Italy; International Center for Economic Research, Torino, Italy; Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Virginia, US; The Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC;The Cato Institute, Washington, DC; Instituto Bruno Leoni, Torino, Italy; Mercatus Center, Virginia, US; Institute for Human Studies, USA etc The key idea of the Faculty for International Economics, Finance and Business (FIEFB): •To find the way to encourage undoubtely talented and inteligent young people from Montenegro to develop the sense to live intensive life; •To find the way to help them to liberate from prejudices and values of the environment, which disturb their success on global market; •To find the way to develop those youg people’s courage to make decisions and look for new solutions, their courage to go for inovation; •To find the way to develop ethical values needed for business success. FIEFB tries not to overburden students with memorizing unnecessary fact which is old-fashioned learning concept. FIEFB develops new learning concept – which emphasize that building one’s personality is as important, if not more, as building an expert! Aiming to do so we consider foreign experience, but we emphasize the role of our cultural uniqueness, as well as mental profile of people from this area. Mechanical replication of foreign programs is not enough to motivate the students, to wake them up! Key principles to be followed in order to achieve this strategic goal are: a) Modern knowledge: originating from megatrends of development ("Think globaly, act globaly.") b) Practical knowledge: which develop ability to learn fast and efficiently solve practical problems (“The theory is the best practice."). c) Flexibility: developing abilities to make people interested in keeping up with the changes ("The change is the only constancy in economics and business"). d) Interdisciplinary knowledge: acquiring knowledge and skills needed to understand the field of study e) Individualism: develop abilities of student to manage his own freedom and ability to take responsibility for his own acts. Operative rules and operative principles needed to achieve strategic knowledge: 1.All programs within university provide freedom of choice to students. Students will study on university overall more then on only one faculty. 2.Motivation of students – make classes popular and attractive for students and enable them to be active participants at classes 3.Mentorial work – individualization of classes: students can choose menthor till graduation 4.Strenghtening psyho-phisical abilities of students Faculty for International Economics, Finance and Business is the continuation of the idea that started to realize in 1992, when international Postgraduate Studies “Entrepreneurial Economy” (PSEE) were established within University of Montenego. Soon after that, in 1995, the idea originally named “Entrepreneurial Economy” continued to live also through work of the “Department for Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Finance” (DEEF). The idea “Entrepreneurial Economy”, intellectual property of professor Vukotic, the Dean of PSEE and founder of FIEFB still lives and is being implemented at the Faculty for International Economics, Finance and Business since it was founded. This means that FIEFB has more then 16-years of experience in education process in Montenegro and the region. Beside Professor Vukotic, the Dean of FIEFB and PSEE, founders of the Faculty are company Univerzitats; Professor Dragan Vukcevic, Podgorica, Montenegro; Professor Steve Pejovich, Texas, USA; and Professor Enrico Colombatto, Torino, Italy. This means that FIEFB has completely new idea of studies! |