Entrepreneurial economy
Enrolling of the nineth generation of students of Entrepreneurial economy, Faculty for Interantional Economics, Finance and Bussines, UDG www.udg.edu.me/site/fmefb 2006 Enrolling of the eighth generation of students 2004 Enrolling of the seventh generation of students 2002 Enrolling of the sixth generation of students 2000 Enrolling of the fifth generation of students Since 1999 Annual lecture to students of all generations of Postgraduate studies “Entrepreneurial Economy”: » The idea of Postgraduate studies » Montenegrin economic school » The appearance of success Professors at the Postgraduate studies are from country and abroad. Since 1993 till 2001 about 35 professors from abroad. President of the Council of Postgraduate Studies is Steve Pejovich, University A&M, Texas, USA Postgraduate studies function at the principle of network. Students of all generations are connected on the basis of daily and professional relationship. The network of Postgraduate studies is one of the most important resource of the development of Montenegro www.psee.edu.cg.yu 1998 Enrolling of the fourth generation of students 1996 Enrolling of the third generation of students 1994 Enrolling of the second generation of students Since 1993 President of the seminar: Entrepreneurial way of thinking 1993 Founder of postgraduate studies “Entrepreneurial economy”- beginning of the creation of the network of students of postgraduate studies 1992 Dean of Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics in Podgorica |